Cosplay Requests
 | It's pretty simple. If there is a costume you want from an anime series, movie, or comic book/manga we can reproduce it. Our costumes are made with care and quality so they're as wearable as any regular garment. Seams are finished, button holes are tailored whenever possible, and zippers are hidden as best as the costume allows. Anything you have in mind, just send an e-mail to the proper designer with a description (series, character, episode; be as specific as possible) we research the item and contact you back with a price and an estimate of the time required to make the prop.
Please be serious about requests. We do get tied up with alot of requests and questions and then never hear from people again. It can take a bit of time to figure out how things would be made, especially props, and would like to be able to focus on serious requests. (not to sound rude) |
Schedule Slots for orders: (it doesn't mean we can't fit something else in but this is to help keep everyone up-to-date)
Dec. 2013 | Jan. 2014 | Feb. | Mar. | April | May | June | July | Aug. | Sept. | Oct. | Nov. |
FULL -Kingdom Heart's Riku Jacket-
-Alucard Accessories-
-Seras Military Uniform- League of Legend's Vlad-
-Page of Void & Damara Megido; Homestuck
| Anime Boston Artist Alley FULL -Trafalger Law Cosplay - Jenna; Golden Sun Cosplay - | MOVING ~ Shut Down | MOVING ~ Shut Down | MOVING ~ Shut Down | MOVING ~ Shut Down | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN |
~ Cosplay Time Estimations ~
Large Costumes(Ex. Alucard's Entire Outfit, Detailed Outfits) --> 3-4 months in advance
Medium Costumes(Ex. Trench Coats) --> 3-4 months in advance
Small Costumes/ Accessories(Ex. Alucard gloves, Cravat) --> 1 months in advance
(This is to ensure we'd have a spot in the schedule and time to gather supplies;
especially for props)
Please NOTE:Due to our move to the UK, we will need more time for orders. Getting some supplies will take longer PLUS shipping/ delivery times will increase (especially for USA - example priority mail is not 1-2 weeks NOT 2-3 days)
~ Specific Deadline? ~
If you need something for a specific event or convention please tell us the date and please be mindful of the estimated times listed above. Baskat@laughingreaper.com
Laughing Reaper Cosplay Design
C/O Rebekah "Baskat" Hahn
Mountain Home, ID 83647