Fate/Stay Night's Gilgamesh Armor
Who wouldn't want to be all powerful..... and gold.

Gilgamesh Armor (Hard Outer Shell) : $XX
Gilgamesh Armor ('Budget Shell') : $XX
We were happy to have the chance to actually build a full suit of armor. Normally this item is hard to make because it needs to be sized according to the wearer... and no two people fit the same pattern the same. Luckily, the customer was local and we spent alot of time planing out the pieces so that the armor was tailored to the cosplayer.
The customer also had a limited budget so we kept the armor at the base foam shape. Normally we would make the shape in the foam (as seen above) and then add a harder outer shell of wonderflex but this basically doubles the price.
The foam was sealed to minimize the rough texture and then given it's gold layers of paint. The blue details were hand painted.
Details To Note
The shoes are slide on for easy getting in & out. Basic shoes were used as the underlying structure for a shell of wonderflex.
The leg and mid arm armor pieces are attached with straps with velcro ends so the wearer has a little bit of room to adjust to better fit the body parts.
The red caplet skirt is actually 2 finished pieces that are belted though with a belt so it is not attached to the actual armor. This allows for individually adjusting just the skirt's belt and if it's get dirtied or pulled by something it will not affect the rest of the costume.
The armor pieces around the waist (hip armor 'skirt' and crotch cover plate) make a self-contained armor section so you do not need to be wearing any other armor piece (including the chest piece) for it to function.
The bracers just slide on and do not need any straping.
Overall the cosplayer could put on and take off all of the armor UNTIL he got to his shoulder pieces where he needed assisted from another to place the armor accordingly.