No More Heroes 2: Travis Touchdown's Beam Katana Adaptation
" What else can a Blood Berry be but Bloody Cool! "
Travis Touchdown 'Blood Berry' Beam Katana Adaptation
Travis Touchdown Beam Katana Adaptation: $165
(with customer provided light saber base)
This commission was for an adaptation to a Star War's Light Saber to transform it into Travis Touchdown's Beam Katana the Blood Berry. This was a permanent adaptation so no going back (not that you'd want to, lol).
The pole that runs alongside the light saber section is a fiberglass pole. This poles allows a sturdier, lighter, and more flexible piece than what a typical wooden dowel rod could provide. We used thick black electrical wire to run along the poles length which is then securely fixed to either end's 'fuse' box sections. Basic zip ties were used to facten the wire to the pole at the appropriate places as shown in the video game.